ABE (Artificial Intelligence Benefits Explorer) - About Us

This web app was submitted to the 2023 Congresssional App Challenge.
For more information, watch our submission video.

What is ABE?

ABE (Artificial Intelligence Benefits Explorer) is a web tool that uses the power of AI to help its users find personalized social welfare programs.

The ABE AI searches through a massive database of social benefits programs and matches user inputs with those social benefits programs, allowing every user to find the perfect programs.

To start using ABE, simply go to the Main Page, send a message in the text box, and follow the rest of the instructions!

How does ABE work?

ABE uses AI and LLM technologies to search through data and give you personalized suggestions.

ABE was built using JavaScript and OpenAI API. HTML and CSS were used to construct this website.
Amazon AWS was used as the primary cloud service provider. We used an Apache webserver on an AWS EC2 instance to host the website. Amazon S3 instances were used to hold the knowledge base for the chatbot.

Does ABE support other languages?

ABE now supports 100+ languages, including English, Chinese, Spanish, and more. See more info here.

Who are we?

We are a group of high school students who are passionate about technology and helping others. Using our knowledged and fueled by our passions, we developed this app using the new leaps in artificial intelligence to create something that can help our community.

Why did we make ABE?

ABE is a virtual assistant that helps its users find personalized social welfare programs using AI. We wanted to help normal, everyday users find benefits programs, because many websites and sources on the internet have outdated or non-user friendly.

Our Misson

At ABE, we are committed to providing all people access to the most technologically advanced tools, regardless of background. To accomplish this goal, we started by integrating AI into the search for social benefits, making it much easier for the regular citizen to utilize advanced technologies.

Does ABE collect any of my data or personal info?

ABE is committed to protecting your privacy. ABE does not not sell, trade, or otherwise transfer your personally identifiable information to third parties. Any information you provide will be used solely for the purpose of improving our services and enhancing your experience with ABE.